
The top reasons we love perennials

The top reasons we love perennials

Benefits of Perennials

It’s so much fun to choose the perfect plants to personalize your outdoor space – but it can also be challenging! So many varieties to choose from, so many factors to consider. One of the first decisions is – Annuals or Perennials? Here are the top reasons we love perennials. 

What are Annuals and Perennials?

Annuals and perennials are the most common types of plants used in flower beds.  

Annuals complete their entire life cycle in one year.

Perennials, however, live for several years if properly cared for. Each season, the plants bloom then die back, but the roots remain and produce a new crop the following year.

Perennials require less annual maintenance

Perennial plants don’t need to be replanted every year.  Some might consider this to be the biggest advantage. Not having to clear flower beds of last year’s plants, sow seeds or replant, or re-mulch an area every year can save a lot of time. Another timesaver: When perennials become established, they generally need less care, because their root systems can provide the nutrients they need.

Speaking of Nutrients . . . 

Perennials are able to reach nutrients that are further down in the soil, because their root systems are deeper than those of annual plants. Perennials draw nutrients such as nitrogen to the surface, where nearby plants can also benefit from them. 

Perennials improve soil structure

Perennials’ root systems grow and spread as the plants remain in the soil from year to year, improving the soil structure by aerating the soil, and creating channels that allow water to travel through the soil. The plants themselves, as well as nearby plants, benefit from that vital oxygen and water. 

Perennials improve moisture levels, reduce erosion

Perennials’ root systems draw up water from lower in the soil profile, making that water available to nearby plants which have shallower root systems. Their well-developed root systems help prevent the soil from drying out and can prevent or reduce erosion. Even after the blooms have died back, many perennials retain their foliage, creating a cover that helps the soil retain moisture, maintain a strong structure, and prevent or minimize erosion from wind and rain. 

Nothing good lasts forever . . . or does it? 

Perennials will add color and substance to your outdoor space for years, but they don’t last forever. However, many perennials can be easily propagated by dividing the plant’s root system. Carefully divide sections of the root system, then replant them to produce a new generation of beauty. 

Add variety and extend your season

You can stagger the blooming of your garden by choosing the right plants and planting them in the right areas. As opposed to annuals, which typically all bloom in the same period, choose the right perennials and you’ll enjoy blooms from early spring up to the first frost.

We’re here to help

Some perennials prefer shade; others thrive in full sun. Heights and bloom colors vary widely. If you aren’t sure what varieties of perennials to choose for your specific bedding area, our Pro Staff will be glad to assist you in finding the perfect plants for your outdoor oasis. You can even bring a photo of the area you will be planting so your final selection can be personalized even more. 

If you’d like more information on the top reasons we love perennials, stop by our Garden Center. We have everything you need for your lawn and garden – including the answers to all your questions.  See you soon! 

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